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Unified in Christ Jesus

We have officially wrapped up our ministry in Thailand and we are headed off to debrief. We are currently on our way to Bangkok to our debrief location which is right outside of Bangkok. I’m pretty sure we are all ready for a week of rest, reflection, and remembrance of what God has done in the past 3 or so months. I’m sure everyone else is feeling that same way as well and I’m also pretty sure that we’re all excited to be all squad again.

For our last week in Thailand, it has felt like it has been going by slower than usual and I can see and feel it in my team. Apathy, fatigue, and tiredness has hit us as Yasrael and we all are ready for a hopefully restful debrief. The day before we left Chiang Dao, we got to participate in the kids sport day at their school. We had no idea what it was going to be like going into it but it’s a huge event that they put on and they compete track meet style. They prepare for weeks before and it’s something that they all look forward to for a while which is so cool.

Something that I have often thought of, also frequently reminded of, in my time at the orphanage is that Wanida and Aaron have adopted these kids and run Fountain of Hope to show and raise kids in an environment to show them that there is other options other than going into s*x work because a lot of times, they are shown that they only have the option of doing that. It’s presented as so normal in this culture and that is honestly so mind blowing to me, and I also feel like that ties into the spiritual heaviness of the country as well being predominantly Buddhist. All of the students at the schools that the kids go to are Buddhist, the kids that belong to Wanida and Aaron are the only Christians in the whole area, to my understanding. It’s one of Wanidas dreams or goals to start a church in Chiang Dao.

The last worship night before we left was unexpectedly heartwarming and bittersweet. You could feel the presence of the Lord during this worship time, it just entirely filled the room. Sometimes we sing songs in Thai that the kids lead, but most of the time we sing songs in English. We sang three songs together that night. After our worship time, the kids went around and they each thanked us for our time together with them, Wanida translating for each of them. As they were talking tears filled their eyes and looking around at all of us letting us know how much we meant to them. All 11 kids went through and gave their thank yous and goodbyes and then we did after as well, Wanida translating for us as well. When it got to my turn, I said “I never grew up with brothers. But it’s through my experience here that I have truly understood what it means to have a brother in Christ and have a family in Christ Jesus. I know that I will always have a family in Thailand.” By the end of everyone talking, everyone was in crying and giving hugs to everybody. I was very sad to leave my Thai family.

Last week, my squad leader proposed the idea that it would be fun to get dressed up and take pictures in a flower field! So obviously we all agreed and got super excited. So we all had a great time getting ready together and we all head out and find this field that had some great views of the mountains in the background, and then we found this other field that had another mountain in the background, which the pictures turned out AMAZING (shoutout to Eliza!) So after taking our sweet ole time, we start to head back and as we approach the gate to the house, Ethan, as he’s suspiciously dressed in his Sunday best, sees us and says, “ladies please head to your rooms” so immediately we head to our room and all start conversing about what could be going on with the boys. We were all trying to guess and peek out to see any signs that could lead to what they’re doing, and then we see 3 boys run ducked under our window, only seeing the top parts of their heads as they ran by. So they didn’t want us to see them at all until they were ready, which we’re getting so excited anticipating what is about to happen. So a few minutes later, we see our door open and all of the boys dressed to the nines lined up ready to escort us somewhere, so we’re told to grab our shoes and follow. They end up leading us to a field of trees across the street and in between two rows of trees, they have tables and chairs lined up with our names on them and they pull out the chairs for us and push them in. They have two notes for each of us which are so so heartfelt. They planned a fancy dinner for us without us even knowing anything that was going on. So a little while after we sit down, the rest of Wanida’s girls come out escorted by Wanida’s boys come out to the table and sit with us 🥹. So our boys taught the other boys proper etiquette on how to treat a lady and it was the absolute sweetest thing ever. A little while after sitting, they bring out dinner to us that they made themselves and they lit the candles because it was starting to get dark. I start to tear up and I look at the other girls around me and I see a few others starting to tear up as well and we all were talking about how none of us have ever had anyone do this for us before at all. It was after that night that I truly understood what it meant to have brothers in Christ who honor and respect me as a sister in Christ, I feel like I can truly find a family in the body now. Thank you so much team Israel for showing YADA what agape love looks like.

Going into debrief, no one on the squad except for the squad leaders really know what the schedule is like or what it’s going to look like. It’s the squad leaders that have it all planned out and are going to tell us how it’s going to go when we get there. All we know is where we’re going, nothing about during or after debrief. It’s been a bit harder for me to not always be in the know of what’s going on. It has really started to build a bigger trust with God for me to know that I can let go of control and just trust Him, even if it’s something as small as knowing what’s next in the schedule.

This season for me in my spiritual walk is still dry, I’m seeking and praying to feel or hear anything from the Lord and I haven’t been. I’m in my Bible everyday and I pray every single day to hear or feel from the Lord but even though I’m not receiving anything in this season, I still want to continue to seek Him and His face because there’s just something in me that is telling me that this is the right thing to do.

Please continue to pray for me as we are about to travel to a new country soon and for my team for whatever God has for us ahead that we will all continue to seek Him and strive for the unity that we are all desiring. Also please pray for the city of Chiang Dao that their hearts will be softened to be penetrated by the Holy Spirit and receive His love for them and that they would come to understanding Him in His fullness. Please pray for my squad as we are constantly battling sicknesses and injuries. Please pray for X Squad that God will use us and we will all grow closer together as we grow closer to Him.