I had this sent to me from a very dear friend as an encouragement the other day. I just wanted to share it with my supporters.
A farmer lost his watch in the barn. The watch had great sentimental value, so he searched for it to no avail.
He heard some kids playing outside, and explained to them about his watch, and asked if they would help him find it. They all searched but could not find the watch. The farmer thanked them for their help and sent them off. As they were leaving, one little boy asked if he could try again. The farmer decided to give him another chance, and the boy returned to the barn.
About half an hour later, the boy walked out of the barn with the watch. The farmer was amazed, and asked how he could find it when so many had been looking and failed? The boy replied, “I didn’t do anything…I just sat in the silence and listened. Eventually, I heard the ticking of the watch, and followed the sound.”
Sometimes, if you just sit quietly, we will hear the “ticking” of our Savior’s promptings, leading us to the truth and helping us on our way.
Rearrange letters in the word “SILENT” and you have “LISTEN”
A really good reminder to me when I needed it!!